Creative Business Essentials: 9 Tips for Finding Success as a Freelancer
New Mastering Adobe Illustrator class now available on Skillshare!
Skillshare x DKNG: Exploring Concert Poster Design at Flatstock
Design, DKNG, Gig Poster, Process, Poster, SkillshareDan Kuhlkenflatstock, sxsw, poster, gig poster, dan kuhlken, nathan goldman
DKNG x Skillshare ChromaCourse
Adobe, Design, DKNG, Enamel Pins, Illustration, Packaging Design, SkillshareDan Kuhlkendan kuhlken, nathan goldman, skillshare, chroma courses, workshop, DKNG
New Skillshare Class: 8 Patterns to Power Your Next Project
Design, Illustration, Process, Skillshare, AlmanacDan Kuhlkendan kuhlken, nathan goldman, skillshare, class, tutorial, patterns, pattern, DKNG
Productivity for Designers: 11 Tips to Revamp Your Workflow
DKNG, Skillshare, VideoDan Kuhlkendan kuhlken, nathan goldman, workflow, productivity, skillshare, class, business, DKNG
3D Illustration: Creating Isometric Designs in Adobe Illustrator
Illustrator Secrets: 5 Techniques to Add Realism to Your Work
Design, Illustration, Process, Skillshare, Video, DKNGDan Kuhlkendan kuhlken, nathan goldman, skillshare, class, illustration, Illustration, vector, icon, adobe illustrator, adobe, tutorial, DKNG
Illustrating An Icon Set: Designing A Cohesive Series
Adobe, Design, Film, Illustration, Process, Skillshare, Video, DKNGDan Kuhlkennathan goldman, dan kuhlken, skillshare, adobe illustrator, adobe, illustration, design, vector, icon, class, arrival, deadpool, mad max, DKNG
The DKNG Show (EP. 4)
Design, Illustration, Packaging Design, Process, Skillshare, The DKNG Show, DKNGDan Kuhlkendan kuhlken, nathan goldman, mark brickey, aid podcast, adventures in design podcast, paul simon, design, Illustration, illustration, vinyl, elephant, ticketmaster